Al Khawarizmi Institute of Computer Science (KICS) UET Lahore in technical collaboration with IEEE Computer Society & ComSoc Society Lahore Section ,  is organizing a three-day conference to invite researchers and practitioners from across the world to share their ideas and experiences related to the state-of-the-art and the future of open-source software like virtualization, knowledge-bases, surveillance, automation, etc. ICOSST- 2019 will create a scientific venue where participants can share ideas, strategies, and policies for tackling the development, research and adaptation challenges related to open-source tools and open-source development environments for the customized and enterprise grade applications.

We, AI-Khawarizmi institute of computer science, UET are high motivated to set this conference as an example thus keeping up with thetraditions we have invited researchers and practitioners from across the world to share their ideas and experiences related to the state-of-the-art and the future of open-source software like Blockchain, Virtualization Big data, Cloud computing, Internet of Themes, Data Analytics and Security.

At ICOSST KICS, UET; you will be able to know about new technology, latest research trends. This year we have researcher participation throughout the world.

Registration Procedure:

    1. Download Registration: Industrial Exposition Registration Form
    2. Marketing Booklet :


Please make sure to provide necessary details before deadline 15th December, 2019.