Welcome to ICOSST 2023


17th International Conference on Open Source Systems and Technologies (ICOSST)

Welcome to ICOSST 2023, a distinguished international forum dedicated to the exploration and advancement of Open Source Systems and Technologies. As a pivotal event in the field, ICOSST 2023 offers a unique interdisciplinary platform that blends distributed enterprise computing with e-government insights.

At the heart of our conference is the commitment to leveraging Open Source Software (OSS) to redefine the norms of software application design, implementation, and usage. OSS emerges not just as a source of innovative architectural solutions but also as a foundation for robust, cross-platform frameworks essential for large-scale distributed systems.

This year, ICOSST 2023 is embracing flexibility by adopting a hybrid format. Participants have the freedom to present either virtually or in person, fostering a more inclusive and accessible environment. We are thrilled to host this event at the Al-Khwarizmi Institute of Computer Science, UET Lahore, and are honored by our technical co-sponsorship and collaboration with IEEE Computer & Communication Societies, Lahore Section, (R10), Pakistan.

Spanning two days, ICOSST 2023 aims to be a melting pot of ideas, welcoming researchers and practitioners from across the globe. It’s an opportunity to share experiences, discuss the latest developments, and forecast the future of Open Source systems and technologies.

Our Focus Areas:

ICOSST 2023 welcomes a diverse range of contributions in various domains of Open Source systems:

  1. Generative AI and Large Language Models (LLMs):
    • Architecture, design, training, evaluation, and benchmarking of LLMs.
    • Optimization, scalability, explainability, and interpretability of Open LLMs.
    • Applications in transfer learning, translations, chatbots, and more.
    • Legal, ethical considerations, bias testing, decision support systems.
    • Synthesis and detection of deep fakes.
  1. Software and Systems Engineering:
    • Open software for emerging systems in various sectors like education, healthcare, finance.
    • Blockchain applications, business intelligence tools, human-computer interaction.
    • Development, debugging, testing, and open source data analytics.
  1. Smart Cities & E-Governance:
    • Smart decision support systems, disaster surveillance and management.
    • Frameworks, tools, and strategies for e-governance.
    • Open data, transparency, and smart city infrastructure.
  1. Open Metaverse and Virtual Reality:
    • Virtual humans, digital twins, AR/VR/MR/XR tools and applications.
    • AI for AR/VR, user interaction in virtual environments, gamification.
    • Applications in various sectors like military, healthcare, education.
  1. Data Science and Artificial Intelligence:
    • Algorithms, models, and applications in socio-economic development.
    • Machine learning, deep learning, NLP, computer vision.
    • Ethics and explainable AI.
  1. Cloud Computing and Big Data:
    • Models, theories, and applications in big data and cloud computing.
    • Security, management, and optimization of cloud services.
  1. Network, Communications, and Cyber Security:
    • Advances in wireless communications, drone networking, P2P communication.
    • Network security, forensics, malware detection, and green communications.
  1. Internet of Things (IoT):
    • Fog/Edge computing, big data, AI, and blockchain applications for IoT.
    • Infrastructure and protocols, case studies in healthcare, energy, agriculture.
  1. Autonomous Systems and Robotics:
    • AI applications in robotics, intelligent systems.
    • Ethics and social implications of autonomous technologies.


Join us at ICOSST 2023 to be part of a transformative experience that shapes the future of open-
source systems and technologies!